Gran Canaria, one of the primary islands of the Canary Islands archipelago, offers an astonishing variety of landscapes that enthral visitors from around the world. This island, characterised by its vibrant history and distinctive geography, presents a diverse environment where towering mountains intersect with arid deserts, and lush, green valleys merge with the clear waters of the sea.
UNESCO World Heritage Site Røros, cloaked in its finest winter splendour, is a photographer’s dream. The old mining town, the landscape, and old industrial facilities offer exciting and varied photographic opportunities. At the river gorge Helvete, in Espedalen, you will encounter the largest glacial potholes (giant's kettles) in Northern Europe, adorned with icicles and other fascinating ice formations. During a seven-day photo workshop, you will have the opportunity to soak up what Røros and Helvete have to offer – and to develop your skills in analogue photography with a group of like-minded people. [Røros and Espedalen January 27 – February 2, 2025]